Category Archives: Starting Over

East West…I’m back!



I can’t believe it’s been this long since my last post. Why am I back, you ask? I ‘met’ a new friend today – Wolf. In short, he forbade me from giving up on my blog. He said I must write something, even on days when I feel I have nothing to say. It made sense, so here I sit, years after my last post.

This time round, I’ll be more open. I won’t sensor myself as much and will therefore say things that might be considered wrong, controversial or even naughty. Consider yourself warned – in as friendly a tone as possible.

In the spirit of being a little more open, here are a couple of things:

1. Let’s start with my name; it’s Maggie

2.  I’m a classically trained opera singer; a Mezzo-soprano to be exact. I will continue to use Mia for this blog, but that’s for sentimental reasons more than anything else

3. I’m currently living in East Africa.

4. I’m technologically challenged so it may take a while to post any of my musical work, but once I can figure it out, I will. I’ll also try to spruce up my blog, but again, I’m technologically challenged so be patient 🙂

5. I just ate the yummiest snack. plantain + ginger milky tea. YUM *smacks lips*

OK, I think that’s a good start. I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours. Tell me something about you.